4-H Council November Minutes
4-H Council
November 14, 2021
The November Council meeting was called to order by President Rhyan Marshall on Saturday, November 14, 2021, at the Gyp Hills Guest Ranch. Roll call was answered by five clubs. The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved by acting secretary Isabella Burden. Cort Blunk, the treasurer, read the report and received receipts for the achievement event.
The record book committee recommended that we convert to the new forms with three levels. Jessica moved, Boyd seconded, and the motion passed.
In old business, we discussed the achievement banquet.
In new business, club day was discussed. Isabella moved, and we have both virtual and in-person options for Club Days on February 12 at 9:00 am. Jessica seconded; the motion passed. No other new business was discussed.
The 4-H camp is open for enrollment. Tagging deadlines are as follows: market beef must be tagged by March 1, all other tags must be placed by May 7, and information on the process will be included in the newsletter. County 4-H Scholarships Forms will be due January 31. The Barber County Fair will be held July 28-31, 2022. After the meeting, the council officers met to discuss potential dates for the officer retreat.
The next meeting will be on February 28, 2022, at the Assembly of God Church in Medicine Lodge. Jessica motioned to adjourn, Isabella seconded, and the motion passed.